Webinar: The essence of Service-Learning is …
The essence of Service-Learning is …
what students tell us adults need to know about the Service-Learning experience
The essence of Service-Learning is when we come up with the idea what to do.
The essence of Service-Learning is fun and different way of learning, in the community.
The essence of Service-Learning is listening what we think should be done for identified community need.
The essence of Service-Learning is being with community members…
The essence of Service-Learning is …?
What will student tell us about the Service-Learning practices you can find out during this webinar organized as a first event of 5th Service-Learning Week.
Students are the central protagonist of Service-Learning practices and the success of the practice depends on their ability to open to the community, meet the community members, listen what is missing and what can be done together with the community members and how is this connected with their school learning. And in the heart of all: actually do the service with the community members.
During this event students will reflect on their practices, experiences and agree on the lesson learned.
This webinar is for students and teachers of elementary or secondary schools able to express themselves in English language.
We will talk about their experience in Service-Learning practice, listen what they did and how this contributed to their development.
NOTE: during the registration process, please register separately every student that will participate during the webinar.