We are very happy to announce the Service-Learning Week in Central and Eastern Europe.
The event will take place on 2nd-6th October 2017, in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina.
The Service-Learning week combine three events:
- Third Stakeholders meeting,
- First Service-Learning Conference in Central and Eastern Europe,
- Training for Trainers in Service-Learning pedagogy.
All events are organized in partnership between International Association “Interactive open schools” – MIOS and Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario – CLAYSS, and with the valuable support of the Central and Eastern European Service-Learning Network.
During this week there will be activities aimed at teachers, school principals, students from schools of all levels and modalities, Higher Education Institutions, representatives of Ministries of Education, Pedagogical institutions, In-Service Teacher Training Institutions as well as Civil society organizations.
The Service-Learning Week will be an opportunity for the exchange and cooperation, it will offer open conference, meetings, workshops and discussion panels for the exchange with participants of varying experience in the development of Service-Learning practices and programs.
We invite you to take part at the planned events during the Service-Learning week. Please, follow the link for the event you would like to participate.
For all information about the event and how to register please go to link: