Redovni sastanak školskih razvojnih timova u Mreži otvorenih škola u zajednici 27. maj. 2014
- 29/05/2014
- Posted by: MIOS
- Category: Novosti
MIOS Tuzla je 27. maja 2014.g. upriličio sastanak predstavnika škola iz Mreže otvorenih škola u zajednici. Sastanku je prisustvovalo 27 učesnika: direktori/ce škola, predsjednici/e školskih razvojnih timova, predstavnik Pedagoškog zavoda TK, MIOS savjetnici, predstavnica International Center of Excellence for Community schools (ICECS) iz Velike Britanije i uposlenici MIOS-a.
Povod sastanka je razmjena iskustava između prisutnih na pitanja liderstva u školi, saradnje sa roditeljima, uvođenje promjena u obrazovanju i školi, rad na procesu otvaranje škole u zajednici koji generalno bi trebali da poboljšaju položaj učenika i kvalitet odgojno-obrazovnog procesa.
U uvodnom dijelu učesnici su prvo razgovarali o stanju u školama članicama nakon smirivanja poplava i klizišta. Prisutni su izjavili da bi najveća podrška školama bila u obezbjeđenju higijenskih sredstava za čišćenje (izosan) kao i za krečenje prokislih prostorija u cilju dezinfekcije. Nakon saniranja primarnih šteta učenicima će trebati pribor i odjeća za početak nove školske godine obzirom da veći broj porodica u području Badre izmješten zbog klizišta. Takođe su rekli da bi školama u zahvaćenim područjima dobro došli filteri za vodu.
Tokom razgovora učesnici su razmijenili informacije o načinu realizacije nastavnog procesa do kraja godine, načinu ocjenjivanja. Zaključeno je da škole trebaju održati maturske proslave jer je to jedan od načina da se djeca vrate u normalno okruženje. Takođe je zaključeno da nastavno osoblje u školama treba motivisati da razgovara sa učenicima o prirodnoj nepogodi, posljedicama kako materijalim, fizičkim tako i emocionalnim.
U drugom dijeli sastanka učenici su poslušali prezentaciju gosp. Chris Jones ispred ICECS UK koja se odnosila na uspostavljanje veze između trenutnih potreba obrazovnog sistema BiH, potreba obrazovnog sistema u budućnosti te kako otvorene škole mogu odgovoriti na te potrebe.
Tokom prezentacije gosp. Jones je iznosila primjere škola iz Velike Britanije po pitanju saradnje sa roditeljima, uloge vođstva u školi. Osnovna pitanja o kojima su učesnici međusobno diskutovali su:
Na što smo ponosni u školi u tekućoj školskoj godini?
Kako percipiramo školu u trenutnoj situaciji – uvažavajući okruženje u globalu?
Kako povezati ulogu vođstva sa trenutnom situacijom u školi?
Kako sebe percipiramo kao lidere?
Definisati kvalitet u školi generalno uvažavajući vlastita iskustva i Standarde otvorenih škola u zajednici?
Tokom rada smjenjivali su se frontalni i grupni rad. Prisutni su iznosili različite primjere koji su se odnosili na gore navedena pitanja a koja su se odnosila na iskustva u razredu do iskustava saradnje sa lokalnom zajednicom. Predstavnici škola su ponudili gošći vlastita iskustva, linkove web stranica škola kako bi mogla promovisati na internacionalnom nivou.
Na kraju sastanaka, učesnici su definisali potrebe za buduću saradnju sa MIOS-om odnosno školama i organizacijama na internacionalnom nivou:
- Saradnja sa školama u drugim državama prema poljima kvaliteta definisanih u Standardima otvorenih škola;
- Treninzi za školske razvojne timove uz uključivanje roditelja;
- Učenje engleskog jezika;
- Studijske posjete.
Meeting of schools development teams within the Network of open community schools
International association „Interactive open schools“(MIOS) was a host of a meeting for the members of The network of open community schools in Tuzla Canton on May 27, 2014.
Meeting attended 27 representatives: schools directors, chairperson of schools development teams, representatives of Pedagogical Institute, representative of International Center of Excellence for Community schools (ICECS) from UK and MIOS staff.
The purpose of the meeting was to the exchange the experiences between present participants regarding the leadership in schools, partnership with parents, and introduction of changes in the educational system and in schools, work on the process of school openness within the community which generally should contribute to the quality of education and learning of children.
In the introductory of the meeting participants has shared the information and needs after the floods and landslides in Tuzla Canton. Participants have concluded that schools needs hygienic articles for keeping the schools clean (izosan) as well as for the lime for lime wash of damaged school premises in order to disinfection. Schools also need the water filters for clean water in schools.
During the meeting, participants have shared the information about the ways how to close the teaching process until the end of the school year, how to grade students. It was concluded that schools should hold graduation celebration because it is one of the ways that children return to a normal environment. It is also concluded that the teaching staff in schools should be motivated to talk with students about natural disasters, material and physical and emotional consequences on school’s staff and the children.
Second part of the meeting was focused on the presentation of Chris Jones from ICECS UK about connection between current educational needs within educational system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, future vision of the development of educational system taking into consideration of trends on labour market, globalization and socio-economic development and how community schools can respond to these challenges.
During the presentation Chris Jones has explained examples from the UK schools concerning the partnership with the parents, leadership in the school. Discussion has been focused on following questions:
- What we are proud of in the last school year?
- How we perceive the school in the current situation – taking into account the environment in general?
- How to connect a leadership role with the current situation in school?
- How do you perceive yourself as a leader?
- Define the Quality of the school in general, taking into account their own experiences and standards of open schools in the community?
Participants were involved into plenary and group work. They have presented different examples and answers on questions above, which varied from examples from the classes to the school cooperation with the local community. School representatives have offered to the guest presenter own experiences, links of the web school sites for the purpose of international promotion.
At the end of the meeting participants have defined needs for future cooperation with MIOS and organizations/schools on international level:
- Cooperation with the schools in other countries on the areas of Community Standards,
- Different trainings
- Learning English language
- Study visits.